806 North Albert Street,
St.Paul, Minnesota 55104




I am a 29-year-old Native American male from the Red Lake Reservation. I like most Native men and women was raised in a rough environment where drug and alcohol use was pretty common. My mother being a single parent moved me and my brothers around pretty frequently. Different schools, different locations. While this was going on I got to witness a variety of different things legal and illegal. Upon doing this, I drank my first beer at age 7, of course stealing from my mother and her friends. This started it all. I didn’t quite enjoy the feeling but liked the rush from it. This continues for the next 20 years. Not so much drinking but heavy drug use. My drugs of choice were marijuana, pills, cocaine, crack, heroin, and meth.

In my 27th year of life, I made a decision to better my life and quit using drugs. I realized quickly that was easier said than done. I had a few failed attempts at getting sober on my own. I then realize that I had to get over my pride and check into treatment. I called a good friend of mine in the recovery circle and had him set up a Rule 25 which landed me at Juel Fairbanks. I really enjoyed Juel Fairbanks for the simple fact that it was Native based. I quickly jumped head first into my recovery with tons of help from staff and peers at the facility. I am still in recovery today.


I am a 41-year-old Native American Alcoholic. I was born and raised in Minneapolis. Drugs and Alcohol have plagued my family with abuse, disease, and death. One of my earliest childhood memories is when I was about six years old. One of my cousins found a joint, and we got caught smoking it. The weird thing I remember is we knew how to inhale it and hold smoke in. After getting caught my grandfather held a family meeting. He scolded the adults and told them the children shouldn’t be punished for doing what they learned from watching them. Drugs and alcohol have affected most of my family to the point where it was socially acceptable and considered normal. Not a surprise I turned out to be an alcoholic. I lost everything important in my life. So there I was divorced, unemployed, and hopeless in a shelter.

Thankfully, that is when I decided to get help and check myself into treatment. There were a few options, but I heard there was a program culturally specific for Native American men. When I first got here at Juel Fairbanks, I was greeted with happy, healthy, smiling faces from the clients here. Everyone was more than willing to help me with any questions I had. It was a great first impression for me to see examples of what this place is like.

I wondered if it was too late for me. After meeting with my counselor, I realized that with patience and self-discipline the goals I wanted to accomplish were possible. I just have to want it and stick to my program. It took some time, but with an open mind training from my counselor, and the incredible support from my peers, I began to notice changes in the way I felt about myself and had a new outlook on life.

The program taught me about the long-term effects drugs and alcohol can have on the human body, both physically and mentally. I also learned about the irreversible damage it can cause if not treated and that’s just the individual not including the loved ones also affected by this disease. I’ve learned a lot about how to communicate, express my feelings and emotions, anger management, and coping with addiction. The facility is willing to accommodate needs for housing, transportation, and education. There are a lot of other outside resources that are available to clients in need.

Juel Fairbanks has staff that directed me in finding cultural outlets and resources to surrounding classes, meetings, and support groups for my specific interest.

I believe there is a cure in the culture. Which has helped me reconnect with my higher power. The cultural aspect of the program encouraged me to get back in touch with my roots and allowed me to attend ceremonies, take language classes, join a drum group, and led me to the red road to wellbriety. I have a whole new appreciation for life that I know I could not get anywhere else. I can honestly highly recommend Juel Fairbanks to anyone that can relate or is looking for a program that offers culture and structure. I have completed the program. I am registered for school. I am now a happy, healthy, proud, son, brother, uncle, father, and grandfather. I have Juel Fairbanks to thank for the second opportunity that I have made for myself. And last but not least the support from peers that also suffer from this disease is vital to recovery, just know you’re not alone in this.


Billy S.

This is my testimony of how Juel Fairbanks saved me.

Life seemed to have always thrown me a curve ball when it came to good luck, chances and favors …

I grew up on the streets, and lived day by day, and survived the best way I could. I had minimal schooling and bad work history. Going to jail was frequent and these things became my way of life. I came from a broken home where family values and family togetherness were not in the picture.

I found my way to St. Paul, MN and life got real dangerous and blurred real fast. I was trying new drugs and drinking alcohol daily. My life had become unmanageable and at times numbered. I became homeless and lost all my worldly possessions. The next thing to go was my sanity. I only survived by the grace of God.

Not knowing what to do, or where to go? I became desperate and ill. The friends and family that I did have left pleaded with me to seek help. I was then referred to Juel Fairbanks. I had no idea such a place existed.

I then skeptically enrolled into a program that did an assessment and did a Rule 25. A few weeks later I received a phone call telling me to “come on in”. I didn’t want to leave the party life behind and miss out on the next hit or the next drink.

Juel Fairbanks had open arms and a safe warm place for me. Many of times I wanted to just pack up and leave; I’m so happy I didn’t. After learning the program and building structure I began to realize there was hope for me to go back out into society and be a productive sober citizen.

Thank you Juel Fairbanks for a second chance at life.